Earn hundreds of dollars just by taking simple surveys at home!
Your one-time fee of (whatever $ amount here) gives you access to lots of sites that will pay you for your opinion!
Hey, I actually wrote those "ads" better than some of the sites I've seen them on.
Actually, there are two websites that I've been satisfied with as legitimate. I haven't made "hundreds of dollars weekly" from them, but every little bit helps.
Note that these are the links to the main sites, not referral links of mine.
Global Test Market allows you to build up points for cash. Filling out their different profiles makes you eligible for more surveys that they will email to you. They are fairly steady in their survey offers, so points can build up at a steady pace. You need a minimum of 1000 points for a payment, and they pay via mailed check.
Greenfield Online offers sweepstakes to all members in addition to earning cash, and they send out several surveys. As with Global Test Market, filling out the profiles can make you eligible for more surveys.
If you don't mind spending a little time giving your opinion, you can earn money at these survey sites. Not a full-time income, but a small steady stream for a few minutes here and there.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Get Paid to Take Surveys! Real Sites
Posted by Trish at Wednesday, July 11, 2007 1 comments
Labels: make money at home, surveys
Money Saving Tip - Quit Smoking
No, this isn't a lecture on the evils of smoking. It's a logical conclusion I've come to in an effort to cut my budget. I smoke a little under a pack a day, depending on how late I stay up (usually pretty late). So at about $4.50 a pack I'd save roughly $135 per month. If I can get my husband to quit with me that's about $275 saved monthly.
An added benefit to quitting, aside from all the healthy stuff, is that it can also cut the monthly health insurance payment by about $50 by my calculations. So that would be around $325 saved a month just by both of us giving up smoking, or about $160 if it's just me. Not bad.
Since I can't afford kits, patches, gums, etc, to help me quit, I've found a couple of free online resources that seem to be pretty helpful.
Quit4Good is a website dedicated to helping people quit smoking. Categories include ways to quit, weight gain, and common triggers.
Quit Smoking Journals offers free journals to keep while you're quitting with a large group of supportive people in different stages of quitting smoking themselves.
So I'll quit smoking and save money, and maybe when my budget allows I'll start again. But hopefully not.
Posted by Trish at Wednesday, July 11, 2007 2 comments
Labels: budget, quit smoking resources, save money